Welcoming SUICYCLE Bike Co. in Athens
VICIOUS CYCLES ATHENS is extremely proud and happy to be the Athenian home for Hamburgs finest : SUICYCLE Bike Co.
Suicycle Bike Company emerged from the Suicycle Bike Store in Hamburg Sankt Pauli. Founded by ex-messengers with a need to build their own track frames and supply the community with spare parts, it has organically grown over the last 15 years. In 2009 we started designing and building handmade frames with Hagen Wechsel.
Between 2010 and 2011 we launched the Suicycle Bike Company brand, gathering all the experience of numerous alleycats, kilometers on bikes and races with our team, while serving the community and fighting racism all along. Our passion and the feedback from customers and friends enabled us to present a more complete catalogue.
Welcome to the streets. This is the Suicycle Bike Company.
We ride, we build, we fight and we care.
For tolerance, freedom and diversity.